In 1983, Robert H. Schuller crafted the quote, ” Tough times never last but tough people do.” These words are more inspiring today than when they were first penned down. There are days called days of adversity and challenge. There are times when you don’t have enough words to explain what you are grappling with.

Days when your hands are weak, pockets empty, mind clumsily confused, business failing, morale nose-diving, your back against the wall, when what you are fighting seems to be stronger than you. Times when you discover you are sailing in a leaking boat and against the storm. Times when those looking up to you don’t know that you also need someone to look up to. In such times, even lions are tempted to eat grass, and eagles are attracted to carcasses just because the jungle is not friendly.

Navigating such times requires being strong mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s ok for the floods to be around you but I must not get into your heart.

“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10

In tough times, you have to be tough and strong. Tough seasons won’t last. It will pass away. Keep your faith alive, keep courage burning, and don’t succumb to the floods of your situations. Don’t allow what is going on around you to defeat you internally. The flood of adversities must not be allowed to dominate the boat of your soul. Stand strong within and keep inching forward.

Be strong for yourself, your family, friends, and followers. Become an inspiration to someone and a shoulder to lean on. Be strong enough to lead and care through bleeding.

Learn to lean on God, learn to draw strength from the quietness of His presence. Learn to put your confidence in Him.

Today, choose to BE STRONG!

I Am
Pst Femi Ajayi


Monday, 4 March 2024