In his book, Winning 101, Van Croch told the story of man that announced to his friends and neighbors that his goal for the year was to earn a million dollar. He proceeded and patent a state-of-heart product and then travel around selling it, in jot pursuit of this goal.

Sometimes, he would take one of his children with him on the road for a week or so. His journeys and pursuits were hurting the wife and the children. At the end of the year, he announced that he has made one million dollar. Shortly after that, however, he and his wife divorced, two of his children got hooked on drugs, and one son nearly had nervous breakdown. The entire family went downhill as fast as his bank account had gone uphill.

There are things that matters and should be on your top priority. Your ability to enjoy the money and fame you have made is hinged on it. If you have not make money, your ability to make money is also hinged on it. That is the well-being of the person you see in the mirror and the second is like it, the well-being of your spouse and children.

Look after yourself and family. In most cases those things and people you are dying for will move on if anything happens to you. If you have crossed the middle age landmark, look after yourself, watch over your family. You will not labour in vain.

In the name of goal getting, wealth accumulation and relevance, don’t destroy your health for things that will continue without you. “Things that matter should not be at the mercy of things that does not matter.”-Van Croch. People deceive themselves, when they believe that certain system and people cannot survive without them, It’s a lie. If you are a great person, you will be missed but they will survive without you. The only set of people that will feel your absence is your family and that too will be for a short time. Time will erase your vacuum and fill it up. You cannot afford to break down and cave in under the weight of life’s challenges and responsibilities. You cannot not please everybody.

Look after your physical health, look after your finance and look after your mental health. Respect your limit and teach people to respect it. If you have a growing family, look after them. Don’t be an absent father or mother. Be available and responsible.

Today, know that your life and family are like garden, if you don’t pay attention to it, it will grow useless weeds.

Remember, God rested as an example of self-care. You too, rest, recreate, renew, refuel and refire.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi