Robert Murray M’cheyne (1813-1843) was a nineteenth century minister. He was a man of fire and passion for souls. He was one of the God’s general and and heroes of faith. He died of typhus fever. He lived a very short but impacful life. He penned these words down shortly before he died “God gave me a message to deliver and a horse to ride. Alas, I have killed the horse and now I cannot deliver the message.” By the horse here, he meant his body. He was guilty of not taking care of himself. The question I want to ask you today is; “How strong is your own horse?” Hope you are not also guilty killing your own horse like Robert Murray?

Self-care is important. Self care is not selfishness. It means looking after yourself in a way that will help you to last and serve for a longer time. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during period of stress. Self care means you look after yourself in these six key areas; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially and financially. You won’t be able to function well if you break down in any of these areas. Don’t form the habit of taking care of everybody and neglecting yourself.

Few years ago, a doctor that had his hospital near where I once lived slumped and died just after operating on a patient. No one could rescue him. He died, and his hospital was later sold off. As you continue your busy lifestyle, remember to look after yourself. If you have a role of looking after people, take out time to pay attention to your own life. Taking out time does not mean that you are weak but it shows that you are wise. Don’t kill your own horse and don’t kill other people’s horses. There are places of worship that are powered by zeal without knowledge; how can someone hold 120days vigil? That alone, will trigger stress and blood pressure and cause strive between couples, especially when its only one partner that attends that place of worship. There are work environment that are toxic and killing; how can someone be doing the work of three people in a demoralising environment? Wisdom is profitable to direct, if you don’t look after yourself, nobody will.

Learn to say no to things that will weaken you and render you unproductive. Learn to find quite moments of solitude even in the midst of constant demands for your time and attention. You are not God, you can be everywhere and you can’t solve all the problems. Akiroq Brost counseled, “Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.”

Jesus told his disciples; “ come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.” Mark 6: 31

Today, understand that God gave you two hands, one for taking care of yourself and the other for taking care of others. Know that there is a limit to which you can go if you will not harm the horse. If you are a leader, don’t kill other people’s horse.

Remember to do something nice for yourself! Doctor needs Doctor.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi