Sometimes in 2014, we left Redemption City of God at about 3:00pm in my friend’s vehicle and we were coming to Akure. Just few minutes into the journey, the vehicle developed fault. The vehicle could no longer achieve high speed. Imagine traveling that distance on 50-60km/hr. However, we kept going, hoping to get it fixed on our way. When we got to Ijebu Ode and couldn’t find a place to fix the vehicle, we decided to manage it like that to Akure. Hmm, the journey was frustrating. It was gradually getting late and dark. By the time we crossed into some Ondo State, we noticed a towing vehicle has began to follow us. Just know that there are people that use your problems as opportunity for business. Life is designed that way. By experience, I guessed the driver of the towing vehicle understood that we are managing our vehicle and we might not get to our destination. Somehow, we did not stop, when we were about to get to Ore, he turned back and we kept going. Finally, we got to Akure very late in the night. Don’t allow problems or challenges to stop you. Pause if necessary, but don’t stop.

I read as a little boy the quote of Martin Luther King Jr., “ If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving.”

There are times you can’t achieve your goals and dreams at the speed you intended because of challenges and setbacks. Just keep going at your pace, don’t stop. There are times your colleagues have left you behind and you really felt disappointed with your self, don’t stop, keep going. As long as you refuse to stop, you will get to your destination. Whatever you do, make sure you are moving. If you can’t make big progress, make small ones. Small progress is better than no progress. You can slow down but don’t stop.
Problems and challenges will always arise to stop you and frustrate your dreams. The economy will conspire against you. Well, we all know that this is not the first time it will happen and it won’t be the last time. People will wish you problems so that they can profit out of your challenges just make sure you don’t stop, keep inching your way forward. It is in inching your way forward that you get to your destination. Never let quitting become a culture. Those that have developed the culture of easing out at the face of challenge and difficult times always wear around the adornment of uncompleted projects and dashed hopes. Don’t allow the wickedness of people stop you. Don’t allow your conditions to stop you, don’t allow the system you find yourself to stop your dreams.

Look at this;
“ we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe the saving of the soul.” Hebrew 10:39

Today, Go back to that project, dream, school or business and see what little thing can be done to move it forward.

Remember, you can slow down, but don’t stop. Keep moving!

I am Pst Femi Ajayi