In 2008/2009 thereabout, I have this young follower of mine who served in the Church. He was an example of faithfulness, diligence and love for the things of God. Just give him instruction, he will run with it. He was profitable to me for ministry. He served in the technical department and you will always find him in Church. One day, he came to my house and brought a girl that he wanted to marry. My response to him was not positive, I told him to disengage the girl and go back to school. At that point he had OND and has been out of school for about three years without the desire to go back. In addition, he was economically powerless. However, his availability in Church was a blessing but going back to school would mean we are creating a vacuum that no other person can fill immediately. He took the two instructions I gave him with a good heart; he disengaged the girl, and went back to school. After graduation, God settled him greatly and he became a blessing in a greater capacity to his family and body of Christ. Every time I think of him, I am proud of him, and I see how we should not take advantage of people’s vulnerability, powerlessness, availability, usefulness and keep using them without encouraging them to move on and advance their lives.

You must not be a ‘user’ of people, users are losers. Never keep people under or keep them serving you without also looking at how you can help them to create a future for themselves. We have too many ‘Labans’ who are only interested in creating an empire and fortress of wealth and influence for themselves at the detriment of people that are serving them. They lack empathy and are self engrossed. They think less of the progress of others and their destinies.
Treat people under you well, your domestic staff, your attendant in the shop, driver, cleaner and house help. Treat that staff that started the business with you and has been with you for years collecting meager salary well.Treat that girl that you have dated for years and is academically stagnant and directionless well. Treat that your student that you have vowed will not graduate well. What of your spouse, don’t be the reason for his or her stagnation and retrogression. Learn to help people find the own compass and stand on there own feet. It is difficult, because they will become independent, empowered and they won’t need you again. But its rewarding and that is what God has called us to do.

We are called to follow “Abraham’s model and not Laban’s model.” The latter is a model of a user. Users are loser. They loose the love, loyalty, honour and help of people at the long run. When the cycle of life turns and they need people, they suddenly find out that no one is available, because they have been working with the Laban’s model. Good people will always drift away from users.

“The purpose of human life is serve and show compassion, and the will to help others.” Albert Schweitzer

Today, remember to engage people under you, especially people at the lower rung of the ladder and see how you could help them to find their own compass.

Remember, users and losers. Give someone a ladder and another a feather, that is the essence of power and leadership. It is always rewarding when you are the reason why someone rise from ashes.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi