There was a young man that I employed five years ago to work for me. He has a very good name; Joseph, but he was not like the Joseph in the Bible. He had this penchant to live above his level. His appetite was bigger than his twenty-two years old mouth. Within the period of a year that he worked for me he changed his phone three times. At a point his phone was a higher version of my own. When leaving, he has squandered all his savings and went with nothing but a knapsack bag that he came with. Another, young man worked for my friend close by, he also bears a good name; James. This one resembled the James in the Bible. After working for a year thereabout, he saved enough money to buy a motorcycle and was using it in the evenings for transportation. Currently, he has set up his own farm and has given out the motorcycle to someone else who pays him weekly.

The difference between Joseph and James is in their understanding of season and size. “If you have not gotten to where you are going, proving levels is not wisdom.” James understood he cannot fund enjoyment without first creating a future, Joseph did not. He defined his season correctly. He is in his own season of growth. You too you are in a season, and you have a size. Recognizing it is important to your happiness and future. Some are in the season of growth, while others are in the season of harvest. The attitudes and responsibilities in these two seasons are always different. Someone in season of growth is still labouring, at times he has some fruits, but he is still working, growing and building. The other person in his own season of harvest, is reaping. He had passed planting and growing. Things are just happening for him. The mistake you will make is to copy the lifestyle of the person who is in the season of harvest whilst you are in the season of planting and growth. You will struggle, destroy your happiness and peace of mind because you are not in that season yet.

It is dangerous for a starter to copy someone who has twenty-five years of work (planting, growing and waiting) behind him/her and such is now at a point of harvests and benefits. Just because you function within the same space, does not make your seasons the same. You cannot not jump season, you only grow and go through it.

Don’t force your season, it will come. Don’t copy the lifestyle of people in harvest when you are in planting season. Life is season by season!

“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:21

Today, Keep planting, watering, changing and growing, your own season will come.

Remember, real progress begins when you truly define your season and size and adapt yourself to the demands of your season and size.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi