Sometimes in 2012, I sat at the reception of my a man of God with his PA, and a man brought suits for sale, each cost seventy thousand naira. When I heard the price, though I love the suits, they were of high quality, I just pretended as if I did not hear him, because financially, it wasn’t my size. So it’s of no use to show interest. Then, my size wasn’t more than twelve thousand naira suit. It was the size of my man of God, but it wasn’t my size, except I want myself to be deceived and afflicted with ‘spirit of nonsense.’

You must not only recognize your season, you must also recognize your size. Your size is your capacity par time. The reason why some people live under pressure is because they copy people who have a bigger size. There are things that you like but are beyond your pocket and means. Wisdom demands that you operate within your size.

Some people live under the weight of irresponsible debt because they have borrowed money to fund their enjoyment and convenience. They want to appear big when they are actually feather weight. Some live in the paradise of the fools, because they just want to do what every other person is doing.

You must have enough social courage, contentment and wisdom to stay within your size, else you will be pleasing people and depressing yourself. There are burdens you cannot shoulder or you have been shouldering before but you can longer shoulder because of the reality of the moment. Don’t be too shy to say no and adjust.

Don’t allow those whose capacity or size are bigger that yours to guilt-trip you into what you don’t have capacity for.

“Life is in phases, men are in sizes.” Be fine with your self, family and what you are able to do. Enjoy your season and size while believing God for a better one.

While it is good to aspire to be better and do better things for yourself, you must not allow competitive spirit, grandiosity and playing to the gallery to influence your actions.

Jesus Christ taught his disciples;
*”For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lets haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it behind to mock him.” Luke 14:28-29

Jesus is simply teaching his disciples here to stick to size, plan and budget. Whatever you cannot sustain is not your size. Whatever is giving you too much pressure and restlessness is not your size. Every recurrent need in your life that you need to stress yourself to meet is not yet your size. Sitting down to ‘count the cost’ is sitting down to assess capacity and size.

I saw a beggar yesterday that has four small children, all of them less than seven years, I wonder within myself, this is crazy.

Today, know that having small size does not mean that you are inferior, it only mean that you are still growing.

Remember, happiness is not about size, it is about how you respond to what life has given to us.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi