This generation is reputable for coming up with slogans, codes and abbreviations that makes communication easy for them and make those who are alien to the social media habitat to be confused. So you have something like; FOMO – Fear of Missing out, IMHO – In my humble opinion, LOL -Laughing out loud, and TGIF – Thank God is Friday. These acronyms are so many, they are meant to KPC (keep parents confused). So I think those who have teenagers and younger ones should be familiar with these acronyms and abbreviations because there are also the dirty ones.

Now TGIF, why not TGIM – thank God is Monday? The idea of TFIG was born out of desire to rest from work and have some fun. Research shows that the happiest day of the week is Friday. It is associated with “freedom and release.” It comes with positive vibes and energy. Though Monday is the first working day, it is classified as boring and hectic This should not be true for you.
If you will achieve your dreams, you have to experience a different shift. Your own slogan should be TGFT- thank God for today. Why? Every day gives you the opportunity to rise and do something about your dream. “Today is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Everyday gives you the privilege to put work behind your dreams. Only dreams that are supported with the wheel of work comes true. Everyday must be harnessed and translated into tangible progress steps that leads you out of your current state to realizing your dreams. Everyday gives you the opportunity to start again and rebound. Everyday is any opportunity to rebound and rebuild.
When God gives you a dream, vision or desire, He wants you to roll up your sleeves and work it out. It takes work to translate dreams to reality. Its not enough to show up, you must put enough work behind your dream. There is no difference between Friday and Monday for men and women on mission. You must be full of positive action that drives you towards your dream.

Don’t just be imagining and wishing, put work behind your imagination. God does not reward intentions and imaginations, he rewards action. The lepers at the gate of Samaria, asked themselves heart searching question; “Why sit we here until we die?” They understood the disadvantage of not putting work behind desire. So they decided to do something positive about their desire that day, and the rest was history.

Today, know that God is a serious God, and He is looking for someone serious to bless and help. May the person that God will help be you.

Remember, dream needs the leg of work to be realized.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi