Have you heard of Dignified Mobile Toilet (DMT)? A business created around human waste by Isaac Agbetusin. He has this slogan ‘Shit business is a serious business!’. You mean someone built business around poo? Indeed, it is a serious business. It was an idea that he translated into business in 1996 when organizing a wedding party for his friend and wondered after eating where will they answer the call of nature. After searching around to see whether there is a company that is into mobile toilet and found none, he started one and it became an instant success. This is an example of a man who found business in an unlikely place and contributed to the economy through it.

It’s very easy to complain and cast blame because of problems. Not knowing that problems are pregnant with opportunities. We often fail to ask ourselves, what is my contribution to the economy? What service, product, agricultural produce, or value am I delivering in the market place. I pay everyone, what am I paid for? As you go out today, you will pay for food, transport, water, gas, airtime and many other things and services, but what exactly are you paid for? If no body pays you in return, your pockets will always be empty.

A woman was in a dire condition, the husband died as a debtor and the two sons were the collateral for the loan. The creditor was a shrewd business man who does not know what is called mercy. When the woman could not bare it, he ran to the former boss of her husband, Elisha, thinking he would give her money from the offerings to pay the debt or do a miracle money for her to pay the debt. She was shocked when the man of God asked, “….What hast thou in the house?…’’ 2 Kings 4:2 . Her answer revealed the attitude of so many people both young and old who believe they have nothing and cannot contribute anything to nation building. After revealing she has a bottle of oil in the house which has been there even when the husband was alive. Elisha gave some instructions and told her, “… Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest.” 2kings 4:7

When she contributed to the economy by trading and becoming productive, the law of harvest was triggered. She had a profit that was enough to clear her debt and sustain the family. That was the last time she cried to the man of God. What you need is in the hands of people and in the marketplace, it takes providing value to collect your share.

Many people are suffering because they lack this understanding. The more the people that pay you are, the more you profit from the wealth of your location. There is wealth in the land! To migrate from the circle lack, complain and debt, she needed to trade and participate in the economy.

Today, think of how you can participate and contribute actively to the economy.

Remember, Opportunities always co-exist with problems. The more problems there are, the more opportunities.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi