Have you heard of Psaltry International Limited? An agro business owned by a woman, Yemisi Iranloye, nicknamed Queen of Cassava. She is a graduate of biochemistry who relocated from Lagos State to Oyo State with the purpose of farming cassava with other networks of farmers for industrial purposes. In ten years, she grew to become the biggest in the cassava value chain. As at 2021 when her name and work came to public awareness, her business was said to be raking in 5billion naira in revenue annually. This is another example of a person who understand that we must contribute to the economy. She started cultivating that crop on a small land and grew big from there. Through hardwork, smartwork, perseverance, gut and help, she built a business that became enviable.

It’s not rocket science! If you are already doing something, we will tell your story soon. If not you too can do something, even if it is not at that scale. Folding hands and monitoring the price of food will not change anything. We all need to wake up and contribute to the economy. You know in some places, they call for miracle money, if that is geniue, this is the time that anointing should credit the account of all the worshipers in such places. If that cannot happen, it is just prophetic comedy. God is not a magician and He is not a counterfeiter. Without value, there is no money. Without providing value and trade, things will be tough and hard.
I laughed in Hebrew, when I saw a video of a prophet, shouting, ‘if I be a man of God, ‘dollar come down!’ And all the church members screamed amen. It doesn’t work like that. That is just one of the religious prophetic comedies.

God appeared to Solomon and promised him wisdom and riches. The wisdom side came by impartation but the riches side came by industry. He setup a gold mining and shipping company.

Look at it here;

_“For the king has at sea a navy of Tharshish with the navy of Hiram: once in three years came the navy of Tharshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes and peacocks. 1Kings 10: 22

Look at the result;

“So Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom.” 1Kings 10:23

All this religiosity that takes away productive hour from people contradicts God’s system. We must shift from the wilderness mindset to cannan land mindset. Cannan land mindset is a mindset of productivity. As soon as the people of God stepped in Canaan, manna stopped and they required to plant and wait for harvest.

The reason why God did not create everything is because he wants you to complete that task. You are a co-creator. Create businesses, translates ideas into products, bringforth a brainchild. Setup something that can serve as a funnel through which which you collect your daily portion of blessing.

Take charge of your personal economy, don’t leave it in the hand of government or other people. Don’t live your life on people’s sympathy.

The best time to take step is now. Waiting for the nation’s economy to improve is an illusion.

Today, go an exchange value!

Remember, God is not a magician, that is why He promised to bless the WORKS of your hands.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi