I heard a story several years ago of someone who wanted to prove that there is nothing like blessing and curse. So he thought to carry out a small experiment, he planted two corns in two different places. He thought within himself, that he would bless one every morning and curse the other to prove that blessing and curse does not make any difference. So, every time he wakes up, he would go to the place and say to one “you will not do well” and turn to the other. “you will do well.” Do you know what happened? Mysteriously, as if the plants heard those words, the one he was cursing died and the one he blessed thrived.

Words are powerful, especially the ones coming out from your mouth. You are the prophet of your life. What others say to you does not matter as much once you don’t internalize their words. One of my friends was walking along the street and one street prophet said to him, “I see coffin in front of the son of man.” The response of my friend terrified him, he said, “I command to enter into the coffin, ” The prophet picked race! I believe the prophets has never seen such terrific response before. What you say and see, is what God will do for you. God has a way of programming everything to align to what you are saying. When your prayers are positive and words are negative, you confuse the angels that are around to carry the incense from your mouth to the altars of heaven.

Learn to speak positive words over your life, businesses, families and nation. Somehow, you will have what you say. Your conditions will align to your confession.

Look at God’s stand when the children of Israel became persuaded about their lack of ability of take the promised land. God told Moses to tell them;
“ Say to them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you:” Numbers 14:29.

In that context, they were no praying. They were just complaining and reacting to the negative news the twelve spies brought. And God said, “ I will do to you what you have spoken,” irrespective of the covenant. The only two people that were exempted, were Joshua and Caleb who spoke differently.Your words can cancel the promises of God.

Today, work on yourself to see and speak positively. Say what you want to see.

Remember, God is will do for you, what you keep saying.

I am Pst Femi Ajayi